IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN NEDERLAND is an Official Branch of the International Karate Organization (IKO) Kyokushinkaikan - Kancho Shokei Matsui.
KYOKUSHIN, in Japanese means "Ultimate Truth". The name was selected by our founder, Masutatsu (Mas) Oyama to describe the pinnacle of martial arts training. Not an end result, but a neverending path to the point where dedication, perseverance and sweat meets strength, humility and wisdom.
The International Karate Organization (IKO) and the Kyokushinkaikan follow the Karate way of building character, and training the mind and body to contribute to society, based on Sosai Mas Oyama's Kyokushin spirit:
"Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity); base
yourself on filial piety and benefit others."
The International Karate Organization and the Kyokushinkaikan follow the Karate way of building character and training the mind and body to contribute to society, based on Sosai Mas Oyama's Kyokushin spirit "Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity); base yourself on filial piety and benefit others."
We in Kyokushin Karate-Do do not promote or practice discrimination or prejudice based on ethnicity, race, nationality, politics, philosophy, religion, sex or age and recognize that everyone has the same rights. Our greatest pursuit is to reach for the goal of international friendship and world peace.
Karate is a martial art that fills the soul with unparalleled diversity and provides the disciplined individual with an endless list of both mental and physical gains.
IKO Kyokushinkaikan Nederland offers classes in KYOKUSHIN Karate
Members of All Ages & Abilities, Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced students & Black Belts
*Enjoy UNLIMITED drop-in privileges to nearly any Class on the IKO NL schedule,
*Have access to special guest classes, monthly workshops, community events & competitions
*May train at IKO-affiliate Dojos in over 120 countries around the world
*And benefit from membership in the International Karate Organization ~
*The Worldwide Network of KYOKUSHIN Karate practitioners is over 12 million strong
For Advanced Rank members, targeted seminars & training sessions are offered monthly to cover the detailed curriculum, and to prepare for apprenticeship.
For high-ranking Black Belts and members with plans to open an affiliate Dojo, the IKO Kyokushinkaikan offers training opportunities to advance their technical and professorial skills at the annual, IKO Instructors Training Intensive Course held at the IKO Kyokushinkaikan World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
Join today and become part of an ever growing secular movement in Karate Kyokushin.
START TODAY – Complete the Form below
Upcoming events
- 10/02/2025
- Amstelveen
- 12/02/2025
- Amstelveen
- 24/02/2025
- Amstelveen
- 26/02/2025
- Amstelveen
- 03/03/2025
- Amstelveen